Becoming a Software Developer - Successes - Telerik Academy


Our students' and partners' successes are what drive our inspiration and motivation to keep doing what we already love.

Hear it like it is

I’d need at least 1-2 years at university to master the theory taught there and gain some minimal practical skills needed to land a job in IT. Telerik Academy, on the other hand, helped me jumpstart my career and become financially independent in just a few months.

georgi mateevGeorge Mateev, Software Developer at Telelink City Services (class of 2011)

It is when I started looking for a job that I realized how solid and in-depth Telerik Academy’s education is, and how highly the IT industry values it.

GeorgiGeorgi Kostadinov, .NET Developer at Accedia (class of 2014)

Telerik Academy became the ultimate cornerstone to my dream job in software engineering. I had no previous experience in programming but the training I obtained at the Academy, equipped me with everything needed to kick-start my IT career.

Svetla-Ivanova-testimonialSvetla Ivanova, .NET Developer at Bede Gaming (class of 2015)

The time and effort I put into Telerik Academy are among my best investments so far. There is no other tech-ed organization in Bulgaria like the Academy. These are not only my words. I know a lot of expats who came back to Bulgaria and people who quit their jobs or put their university studies on hold to be able to fully dedicate themselves to Telerik Academy.

Kalin_KostovKalin Kostov, Junior Software Engineer at Tick42 (class of 2017)

Telerik Academy provides the perfect mix of theory and practice. The plethora of hands-on projects you work on throughout the program, is what makes the Academy stand out from other tech-ed organizations.

valeri tsolovValeri Tsolov, Software Engineer at Leanplum (class of 2013)

Telerik Academy changed my life. At the age of 20, I was already independent and working my dream job! Without the knowledge and experience I gained at Telerik Academy, I wouldn’t have had such a flying start.

kiril peyanskiKiril Peyanski, Software Engineer at Progress (class of 2017)

The Telerik Academy Team invested time, effort and individual attention in me throughout the entire program. In addition to the tech training, crafting a killer CV, learning different interview practices and building grit and an open mindset are just a few of the value-added trainings that made me stand out from other candidates.

Georgi-Manchev-Experian-testimonialGeorgi Manchev, Junior Software Developer at Experian (class of 2018)

The program is entirely focused on building practical skills. We were given many team projects mirroring real-work environment. The trainers acted as our mentors and thanks to the small size of the group – they were able to carefully monitor the performance of each student and provide tailored assistance.

Georgi-Georgiev-testimonialGeorgi Georgiev, Junior Software Developer at Tick42 (class of 2018)

It was only thanks to Telerik Academy that I was able to switch careers and land an IT job. The Alpha program is neither too long, nor too short and allows you to focus entirely on the training, quickly gain knowledge and start your career.

radoslav georgievRadoslav Georgiev, Junior Software Developer at Grafixoft (class of 2017)

From day one at Telerik Academy Alpha I knew I’ve had made the right choice. The trainers are 100% dedicated to providing students with the best possible education and preparing them to meet and exceed the expectations of their future employers. The Academy also partners with many successful companies which are an excellent employer for every graduate.

Russi-testimonialRusi Rusev, Junior Front-End Developer at Gtmhub (class of 2018)

Participating in Telerik Academy Alpha was a great investment. It not only helped me attain the knowledge and experience needed to start a career, but it also taught me how to continuously expand my skillset and develop a broader plan for my future in IT.

Ivan-IvanovIvan Ivanov, Junior Consultant, Business & IT Transform at Software AG (class of 2018)

Telerik Academy is creating a society of life-long learners. It teaches a mindset that is not only of great help when solving complex problems, but also serves as a wonderful motivator to constantly be hunting for and adopting new skills and information.


"After 10 years of scrutinizing and perfecting its craft it’s no wonder Telerik Academy is the leader in technical education. Around 15% of our employees are Telerik Academy alumni. They have both the tech skills needed and the attitude of life-long learners. Most importantly, they get up to speed much faster than most junior developers – in some cases within the first few days”.

Stoyan Damov
Co-Founder, Tick42




Success Stories

Telerik Academy Alumni Zvezdy
The key to success: keep going

Zvezdy has studied Informatics at the University of Plovdiv and worked as a front-end designer with HTML/CSS for about 5 years before joining the Academy to upgrade her skills and boost her career. After graduating from Telerik Academy Alpha, she joined the ranks of Accenture, where she works as a front-end developer.

Dimitar - Success story Telerik Academy
“How Telerik Academy transformed my life?”

For 10 years now, we’ve been helping people to jumpstart promising careers in IT and change their lives. We called on our alumni to share their stories and how Telerik Academy impacted them. Today we meet Dimitar. From a non-technical guy stuck in an unsatisfactory structural engineering career to becoming a successful software developer, Dimitar’s story is nothing less than inspirational.

Telerik Academy Alumni part of Haemimont
The first steppingstone on the way to success

In a series of blitz interviews, you will get a taste of our alumni`s life before and after Telerik Academy. Today we meet with Stela, Ivan, Marin, Rosen, Stefan, and Stoyan, who are all part of Haemimont`s team.

Telerik Academy Alumni Martin Katsarov
A recipe to success: Combining theory and practice

As a university student majoring in Information Technologies, Martin Katsarov decided to augment his theoretical knowledge with real-world practical skills. The end goal – turning into a full-fledged software engineer and landing his first job quickly with a leading company that truly excites him. Today, he works as a software developer in GVC Services.

Martin Katsarov, Software Developer at GVC Services
Iliyan Gogov Telerik Academy
A career journey that ultimately brings you to your dream job

After graduating from the Technical University in Sofia with a major in Mechanical Engineering, Iliyan Gogov decided to pursue a different career path – diving into the business world and sales. Realizing his work was no longer a positive and challenging experience and driven by his passion for technology, Iliyan decided to make a change. He applied to Telerik Academy Alpha to become a sought-after software developer.

Iliyan Gogov, Junior Software Engineer at Paysafe

“Some of my best junior software engineers at Uber and Skyscanner come from Telerik Academy. It is always a pleasure to work with the Academy alumni!”

Alexander Popov
Site Engineering Lead, Uber 




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