How to become a Data Engineer?


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How to become a Data Engineer?

Learn how to kick-start your successful career as a Data Engineer.

How to become a Data Engineer?

Learn how to kick-start your successful career as a Data Engineer.

How to become a Data Engineer?

Learn how to kick-start your successful career as a Data Engineer.

All Events

05 December 2018

Build and Improve Your Social Media Strategy in 2019

Join us at Campus X for an interactive seminar on building a successful social media strategy with Sunay Tamashev, founder and CEO of the New York City based conversational marketing agency Stunning Social.

27 November 2018

Are technology skills your super power or Achilles heel?

Tommy Barlow, Director for EMEA in Pluralsight is going to conduct a discussion about how to uncover skill gaps, create bridge plans, and harness the power of digital disruption and why you need to rethink the way you approach skills development.

07 November 2018

Venture Capital 101 with Speedinvest

Join us for a discussion with Felix Faltin, Head of Strategic Projects at Speedinvest, to reveal the dos and don’ts of approaching a VC and learn more about Speedinvest’s strategy for 2019.

24 October 2018

Inspirational talks
Exponential Transformation: a Q&A Session

A special Q&A session on the topic of Exponential Transformation. We are very happy to welcome in Sofia the Singularity University Ambassador for the North of Spain - Diego Soroa.

17 October 2018

Inspirational talks
Leadership and Building Teams: The Art and Science

Dr. Jamie Williams talks about the art and science of building a winning team, including topics such as hiring, team development, team dynamics as well as storytelling and employee motivation.

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